Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, August 30, 2010

B.G. with the buds

Anderson's holding the map, but I assure you, Erin was in charge - that girl knows B.G. like the back of her hand!
The Big Kids - they rode so many rides together!

Everyone got to ride this one together - so cute!

Our good friends the Judds came in town for a visit and wanted to go to Busch Gardens. We never pass up a chance to go to B.G. with friends because it's so much more fun for the kids! We had a great day with the Judds and the Saunders - that equals 6 adults, 6 big kids and 2 babies - that's a lot of people and not one single meltdown(not even from the mommies!) Then we had the courage to go out to dinner afterwards at IHOP and still not a meltdown. I do believe that day will go down in the books as one of our favorite memories!

1 comment:

Katy said...

i LOVE the picture of all the kids together - they are so cute!!!1