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Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Anna's First Field Trip

Anna and I attended her first official field trip with the Early Intervention Program yesterday. They invited us to go along with other families enrolled in the program to the Pumpkin Patch. Since Anna loved the Hunt Club so much, I couldn't pass up this opportunity to go to Taylor Farm. We had a fun time together looking at the animals, taking a hayride and picking out another pumpkin! She really enjoys being outside and surrounded by animals and she is so fascinated with pumpkins!

Doctors Orders

Anna's therapist wants her to do exercises that bring attention to her mouth. One of the suggestions was giving her thick liquids to drink through straws, like a milkshake. So Anna thoroughly enjoyed this aspect of training, and big sister got in on the action too!

Monday, October 12, 2009


Today during speech therapy Anna said her first recognizable 2 word phrase...NO MAMA! Well, we're happy she put 2 words together, but did it have to be no mama? I guess I'll be hearing a lot of this in the months to come! We are very excited at this progress though and think the excitement outweighs the actual content!