Erin graduated from Kindergarten on Tuesday night, June 8th. I honestly can't believe how fast this year came and went. Erin was pretty much on auto pilot this year. With Anna having her health issues and me having a baby who had her own issues, Erin just fended for herself. She is definitely my easy child. She's easy going, laid back, extremely talkative(except at school), and her heart must be made of pure gold. She is blessed beyond belief most of the time and I think it's because of her unwaivering faith. She loves God more than anything, trusts Him more than anyone and will be the first to pray for everything. She is beautiful inside and out.
She received the perfect attendance award, the obedience character award, the P.E. achievement award and best of all the Christian Character award given to one child in each class. She is a bright and shining star and we are so proud of her. Our prayer is that her life touches the lives of others, that her desire to please others is used to bring God glory and to serve others. We are so thankful the Lord blessed us with her as she daily reminds us that with God all things are possible!