Today we took Anna for a 6 month follow-up at the Cardiologist. Just as we suspected, she's perfect. The Doctor walked in the room and said something to the effect of "holy weight gain!" We love how good they make us feel because they know how far she's come. There is absolutely know residual murmur, which is music to our ears. She had to sit still for one more EKG, but it showed everything normal, so no ECHO was needed.
In other exciting news, I introduced Anna to the snack trap today and she loves it! Can't say the same about being in her new big car seat still facing the rear. Weighing in at just about17 pounds she'll be facing the back for awhile. Also, she'll need to stay on formula for about 4 more months, she needs those calories!
We can't help but feel extremely blessed to have such a healthy little girl that will be turning 1 in less than 2 weeks. We love you little angel!
"Mom - you've been holding out on me - this is good stuff."
Just another EKG - nothing to it!
This is our favorite Cardiologist, Dr. Ellis - he always thinks Anna looks so good!