Today marks 6 weeks since Anna's heart surgery. Some days it seems like just last week, and at other times it feels like it was a year ago. Reaching this 6 week post surgery point means we can pick her up like a normal baby again because her sternum is completely healed. We don't have to worry about "scooping" her up, but can use her underarms. You don't realize how much more natural that feels until you have to stop yourself from doing it. I cheated and started doing it a little last week, and her neck is already getting stronger and she'll be holding that head steady before too long. She is really chunking up too. We go for an appointment on the 28th and I can't wait to see how much she weighs. We have so much to be thankful for this year. Last year, I found out I was pregnant on Thanksgiving Day and we're so blessed to have our healthy little girl here with us this Thanksgiving. God is good!