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Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Good Report!!!!

Anna went to the Cardiologist today for a 3 month post-op checkup and we got a wonderful report. She had an extensive ECHO which showed no residual hole in the heart at all. He couldn't hear the slightest bit of a murmur. He is very pleased with her weight and says she's doing great! It was so nice to hear good news and that we don't have to return for 6 months! Praise the Lord!

Hope you all had a blessed Christmas - we sure did and the girls had the best time. We are off to Charlotte for a couple of days, then I look forward to catching up on the blogs. Happy New Year!


Natalie said...

Wonderful news! I couldn't be more happy for you all:) Have a wonderful trip, and see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen. What joy! I am so happy to hear your good news. Thanks for commenting on my blog. Sue kept me up to date with Anna, before and during her surgery. My own little network of prayer warriors were lifting your entire family up continuously. It is so good to see the fruits of our "tiny" labors! Keep Growing Little Anna!

anthonyandbeth said...

what a blessing! i love her little smile in that picture! so glad that she is doing so well! :)

Katy said...

Look at what a happy girl she is!!! I'm so glad you got the all clear and don't have to go back for a long time!!!!

Jayne said...

What a great Christmas gift. Our God is still in the miracle business!!